

Pre-conference workshops sponsored by ISTSS, ESTSS, DeGPT und EMDR.

The official conference language is English. For German speaking participants we offer special sections in German (marked as "Workshop held in German language ").

Please note that the pre-conference programme is for ECOTS participants. It is not possible to join only the pre-conference.

ECOTS offers ESTSS certificated pre-conference workshops, marked as "Eligible for ESTSS-Certification". For more information about ESTSS certification please see information on ESTSS webpage: https://www.estss.org/estss-certification/



Andreas Maercker
Schweiz // ISTSS
Workshop held in German language
Head of Psychopathology and Clinical Intervention at the University of Zurich

Andreas Maercker, Prof. Dr. Dr., schloss seine medizinische und psychologische Ausbildung in Halle/Saale und Berlin ab. Er promovierte an der Humboldt Universität Berlin in Medizin und am Max-Planck-Institut für menschliche Entwicklung in Psychologie. 1999 wurde er Professor für klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie an der Technischen Universität Dresden, wo er das Zentrum für PTBS mit Schwerpunkten auf Forschung und Behandlung leitete. 2005 wurde er Professor für Psychopathologie und klinische Interventionen an der Universität Zürich und Leiter der ambulanten klinischen Versorgung des Instituts. Professor Maercker ist und war Leiter und stellvertretender Forscher in zahlreichen nationalen und internationalen Studien in den Forschungsfeldern traumatische Belastung, klinische Gerontopsychologie und psychische Gesundheit durch Internetunterstützung und veröffentlichte über 200 Artikel (peerreview). Schlagwörter seiner Expertise: PTBS, Belastungsreaktionssyndrome, lebenslängliche Entwicklungspsychopathologie, Behandlung und e-psychische Gesundheit.

„Lebensrückblick und Traumafolgen: Therapeutische Möglichkeiten“

Pre-conference Workshop (Deutsch/German): Ganzer Tag
Termin: 01.06.2011, 13:30-17:00 und 2.06.2011, 9:00-12:30
Raum: Senatssaal

Seit einiger Zeit ist über alle theoretischen Schulenorientierungen hinweg das Interesse an biografischen oder Lebensrückblicks-Interventionen gewachsen. Diese stammten zunächst aus der Gerontologie und wurden in der Biografie- und Erinnerungsarbeit sowie der Oral History eingesetzt. Es werden die Wurzeln, spezifischen Methoden und Potenzen der Lebensrückblicks-Therapie für Traumafolgestörungen vorgestellt. Dabei steht die Anwendung bei (älteren) Kriegstraumatisierten im Fokus, aber auch Anwendungen bei jüngeren Menschen. Forschungsergebnisse liegen bisher nur für depressive Störungen vor, die erstaunlich positive Effekte in diesem Bereich belegen. 



Berthold Gersons
Netherlands // ESTSS
Prof.Dr., emeritus AMC professor of Psychiatry AMC, University of Amsterdam and Senior Scientific Advisor Centrum ’45, Netherlands

Berthold Gersons (1945) is a psychiatrist, emeritus distinguished AMC-professor and professor of psychiatry at the Academical Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam, and senior scientific advisor, Arq Foundation / Centrum ’45, Diemen, The Netherlands.
In 1980 he started research on trauma and PTSD in the police force and he established the first self-help-team in Dutch police force. He developed the Brief Eclectic Psychotherapy for PTSD (BEPP) protocol and showed the effectiveness in RCT’s. He was advisor for the Dutch Government after major disasters like the El Al air crash in 1992 and the Enschede firework disaster in 2000. He has been member of the editorial board of the Journal of Traumatic Stress, of the Board of the ISTSS and ESTSS, president of the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies and founder and president of the Dutch Language Oriented Society for Psychotrauma. He published over 200 papers in scientific journals and books and has lectured around his home country and in various countries all over the world.

“Brief Eclectic Psychotherapy for PTSD (BEPP)”

Pre-conference workshop: Full day
Date: 01.06.2011, 9.00-12.30 am and 1.30-5.00 pm
Room: Sitzungssaal des Dekanats der Kath.-Theolog. Fakultät
Eligible for ESTSS-Certification

Brief eclectic psychotherapy for PTSD (BEPP) is a trauma-focused treatment which has shown to be equally effective for the treatment of PTSD as CBT/PE and EMDR. It is the treatment of choice if there is need for not only decreasing anxiety but also for learning from the traumatic how it has changed one's life and view on the world. It has been developed as a 16-session treatment manual for PTSD when CBT and EMDR were not available (www.traumatreatment.eu). BEPP consists of (1) psychoeducation, together with a partner or close friend; (2) imaginal exposure preceded by relaxation exercises, focused on catharsis of emotions of grief and helplessness; (3) writing tasks to express aggressive feelings and use of mementos; (4) domain of meaning, focused on learning from the trauma, oneself and the world; (5) farewell ritual, to end treatment. The BEPP -protocol in RCT 's has proofed to be effective. Also psychobiological recovery has been demonstrated. In the Workshop the different elements of BEPP will be outlined and trained, also with DVD. Similarities and differences with CBT and EMDR will be presented. To summarize, CBT, EMDR and BEPP are equal effective in reducing PTSD by different forms of exposure. BEPP also offers essential learning from the traumatizing events based on psychodynamic insights and stimulates posttraumatic growth. Cases of participants will be discussed.



Sahika Yüksel and Ufuk Sezgin
Turkey // ESTSS

Sahika Yüksel, Prof Dr : Department of  Psychiatry, Medical School, University of Istanbul, Turkey, Director of Trauma Psychosocial Programme; Past President of Psychiatric Association of Turkey

Areas of clinical specialization and service: Post-traumatic problems, particularly in women exposed to sexual violence at home and during detention; Transgender people individually and in group settings.
Founder member of different NGO’s such as Purple Roof independent shelters for women; Human Rights Rehabilitation Center for torture victims, She was founder and past Board Member of ESTSS, Coordinator of Women Health and  Rights Policy Special Interest Group of Psychiatric Association of Turkey.

Ufuk Sezgin, Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology, Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty Department of Forensic Medicine.  She is also Assoc. Prof of Kocaeli University Instıtute of Health Science, Disaster and Trauma Program.  Leader of Turkish Psychological Association’s Istanbul Branch’s Trauma Unit. Founder and consultant of Purple Roof Women’s Shelter (NGO). Board member of ESTSS.

Her research and clinical interests have focused on trauma survivors of disaster, family violence, honour killing, incest and torture. She is one of the master educators of Istanbul protocol.


"How do we intervene to traumatized women in clinical practice”

Pre-conference workshop: Half day
Date: 02.06.2011, 9.00-12.30 am
Room: HS 26

For women who experience multiple forms of traumatic stress during their lifetime such as childhood sexual abuse, domestic violence and rape their mental health problems are frequently not limited to PTSD. Evidence relating to the existence of complex PTSD has accumulated ever since it was defined as a clinical entity in 1992. Since complex PTSD is a newly defined condition, there are very few systematic studies on an efficient treatment for complex PTSD. 
Women’s human rights are invisible. Physical, psychological, sexual, economic abuses violate women’s basic human rights. Violence against women must be recognized as a human rights problem. The first condition of the campaign against the traumas that women experience should be a change in the perception of the issue: That domestic violence against women should not be perceived as a private matter of the family but as a public issue that authorities worldwide must address accordingly.

In this workshop, principles of trauma focused treatment carried out with women who have multiple traumatic experiences will be introduced. Most of the studies related to domestic violence and sexual abuse are conducted in western countries.
Since we have very limited knowledge about other parts of the world we will discuss treatment principles with different examples. Particular attention will be given to a variety of cultural implications entailed in using therapies.




Jonathan Bisson
United Kingdom // ESTSS
Professor Jonathan Bisson, Cardiff University

Professor Jonathan Bisson is Director of Research and Development for Cardiff University School of Medicine and Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.  His main research interests are in the field of traumatic stress.  He has conducted various studies including two widely cited randomised controlled trials of early psychological interventions (psychological debriefing and trauma focused cognitive behavioural therapy) following traumatic events and three Cochrane systematic reviews in the traumatic stress field.  His work on early interventions following traumatic events has shaped thinking internationally.

“Early Intervention following Traumatic Events”

Pre-conference workshop: Half day
Date: 02.06.2011, 9.00-12.30 am
Room: HS 16
Eligible for ESTSS-Certification

Various forms of early intervention have been developed for use shortly after traumatic events.  The effectiveness of formal psychological interventions targeted at everyone involved in traumatic events has been disappointing.  As a result, more attention has been paid to developing stepped or stratified models of response in which immediate practical, social, and emotional support is offered by non-mental health professionals.  People with ongoing symptoms are offered assessment and a more complex intervention if they are experiencing symptoms that are not improving.  This workshop will cover the history of the development of early intervention following traumatic events, the current evidence base and a suggested model of care based on this including community and individual approaches.



Astrid Lampe und Ursula Gast
Österreich // DeGPT
Workshop held in German language

Astrid Lampe
Assoc. Prof., Deputy Head University Hospital of Medical Psychology Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Medical University Innsbruck

Astrid Lampe ist Psychiaterin und Psychotherapeutin mit Spezialisierung auf klientenzentrierte Psychotherapie und psychodynamische Psychotherapie. Als Leiterin der Geschäftsstelle der Universität für Medizinische Psychologie gründete sie 2000 eine psychosomatische psychotherapeutische Frauenambulanz. Bis 2010 war sie Leiterin der psychotherapeutischen Verbindungs- und Beratungsservice und baute psychosomatische Arbeitsgruppen für Frauen auf. Sie arbeitet seit 2001 als Trainerin in PITT Kursen und Workshops.
Ihre Forschungsinteressen liegen bei psychosomatischen Aspekten der Gesundheitsversorgung von Frauen und Traumatherapieevaluation.

Ursula Gast
PD Dr. med.; Fachärztin für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie -Psychoanalytikerin

Ehemalige Chefärztin der Klinik für psychotherapeutische und psychosomatische Medizin des Evangelischen Krankenhauses Bielefeld, jetzt in eigener Praxis im Kreis  Schleswig/Flensburg tätig;
Gründungs- und ehemaliges Vorstands- Mitglied der Deutschsprachigen Gesellschaft für Psychotraumatologie (DeGPT). Mitglied der Expertengruppe zur Erarbeitung von wissenschaftlich begründeten Leitlinien zur Behandlung Posttraumatischer Belastungsstörungen;
Publikationen, Fortbildungs- und Lehrtätigkeit zum Thema Posttraumatische und Dissoziative Störungen.

„Traumatisierung von Frauen - die Folgen und ihre Behandlung“

Pre-conference Workshop: Halber Tag
Termin: 01.06.2011, 13:30-17:00
Raum: HS H (Fakultät für Psychologie)

Seelische, körperliche und sexualisierte Gewalt in der Kindheit sind in den reichen Industrieländern keine Seltenheit (UNICEF-Bericht 2003). Hierdurch entsteht ein erhöhtes Risiko, im späteren Leben eine Reihe körperlicher und psychischer Krankheiten zu entwickeln (ACE-Studie, Felitti 1998). Bei Frauen geht man davon aus, dass ca. 6% schwerer sexualisierter Gewalt in ihrer Kindheit ausgesetzt sind. Im Erwachsenenalter leiden  sie häufig unter Störungen in der Affektregulierung, Dissoziation, Somatisierung, ein verändertes Selbsterleben sowie Bindungs-  und Beziehungsstörungen (Van der Kolk 2005). Die Betroffenen erleben  gehäuft eine Reaktualisierung früher Gewalterfahrungen und Reviktimisierungen, die die Frauen in wesentlichen Lebensbereichen wie Beziehung, Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Mutterschaft beeinträchtigen. Ausgehend von den klinischen Erfahrungen aus  einer psychosomatisch-psychotherapeutischen Frauenambulanz und einer Traumaklinik werden die klinischen und psychodynamischen Folgen komplexer Traumatisierungen besprochen; dabei wird insbesondere auch auf dissoziative Phänomene eingegangen.

In der Folge stellen wir ein phasenorientiertes Vorgehen mit methodenübergreifenden Behandlungsansätzen (insbesondere dem psychodynamisch-imaginativen Ansatz von L. Reddemann 2004) vor. Anhand einer Hierarchisierung der Interventionen (Wöller 2006)  werden Behandlungsempfehlungen, die eine erste wissenschaftlich fundierte Orientierung in der Methodenvielfalt bieten gegeben.

Es werden verschiedene Techniken zur Stabilisierung und Ressourcenaktivierung (im Sinne von Herstellen von Sicherheit, Selbstkontrolle, Selbstfürsorge, Affektregulierung, Verbesserung der Mentalisierung) vorgestellt, insbesondere eine ressourcenorientierte Anamneseerhebung, Imaginations- und Achtsamkeitsübungen und Arbeit mit dem inneren Kind. Darüber hinaus werden Behandlungsansätze zur Überwindung dissoziativer Symptome sowie Techniken einer schonenden Traumaexposition aufgezeigt.

Der Workshop richtet sich an TherapeutInnen, die mit Frauen mit Entwicklungs- oder Traumastörungen (im Sinne von Van der Kolk 2005) arbeiten und eine Orientierung in der Methodenvielfalt suchen. Nach der Darstellung des phasenorientierten Vorgehens werden verschiedene traumaspezifische Interventionen vorgestellt. Die TeilnehmerInnen sind eingeladen, diese in Kleingruppen einzuüben. 



Kerstin Bergh Johannesson
Sweden // EMDR
Researcher at the National Center for Disaster Psychiatry, University of Uppsala, head of psychological disaster emergency team, Akademiska sjukhuset, Uppsala county, senior consultant and team leader of the PTSD psychiatric team; president of EMDR Sweden, board member of EMDR Europe.

Licensed psychologist 1978, licensed psychotherapist 1988, specialist in clinical psychology 1995, PhD 2010. Certified EMDR Europe and EMDR Institute trainer. Former board member of ESTSS.

“EMDR - An integrative psychotherapy approach for working with trauma based disorders”

Pre-conference workshop: Half day
Date: 01.06.2011, 9.00-12.30 am
Raum: Senatssaal
Eligible for ESTSS-Certification

EMDR is a trauma-focused method for treating PTSD and painful memories. The method integrates elements from several psychotherapeutic schools such as cognitive, behavioural, and psychodynamic orientations. Although there are elements of free associations during processing, the treatment follows a structured protocol with components of dosed exposure. The method has been noticed for its elements of bilateral stimulation; however it has been considered that several parts of the method contribute to its effectiveness. For a single traumatic experience, usually only a few sessions seem to be required even if in complex cases the length of treatment can become quite extended. In its original form EMDR was developed for adults, but the method can easily be adapted also for children.
The first study was published in 1989 by Francine Shapiro, the inventor of EMDR, demonstrating that clients after three sessions of EMDR did not longer meet criteria for PTSD. Her publication was met by both interest and scepticism. Today EMDR is widely accepted and practiced by psychotherapists in many countries throughout the world.
Guidelines from the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies recommend EMDR for the treatment of PTSD and British researchers have found that EMDR is equally effective as trauma-focussed CBT for chronic PTSD.
This workshop will give an introduction to EMDR: explaining the theoretical model underlying the method, presenting the structure of a session, and discussing suggested mechanisms of action. In addition some case examples will be highlighted.



Patricia Resick
Patricia A. Resick, Ph.D., Director, Women’s Health Sciences Division, National Center for PTSD, VA Boston Healthcare System and Professor, Boston University

Dr. Resick is Past President of both the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies and the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. She developed cognitive processing therapy (CPT) in 1988 and has been conducting research on its efficacy and effectiveness. Since 2006 she has been leading a national VA initiative to disseminate CPT throughout the United States. She is also currently on two sub-workgroups for the DSM-5 and is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.

"Treating Posttraumatic Stress Disorder with Cognitive Processing Therapy"

Pre-conference workshop: Full day
Date: 01.06.2011, 9.00-12.30 am and 1.30-5.00 pm
Room: Kleiner Festsaal
Eligible for ESTSS-Certification

Purpose:  The purpose of this workshop will be to train participants in the implementation of cognitive processing therapy (CPT), an evidence-based treatment for PTSD. CPT is a 12-session protocol that has been demonstrated to be effective for the treatment of PTSD and comorbid symptoms resulting from a range of traumatic events and can be implemented as an individual or group treatment. CPT consists of trauma-focused cognitive therapy with or without account writing, arranged as a systematic and progressive series of skills and assignments.  After an introduction to the theoretical underpinnings, participants will learn how to treat clients with CPT session by session. In addition to didactic information, CPT will be demonstrated with videotaped examples. Common problems encountered with clients will be discussed.



Nancy Kassam-Adams
Associate Director for Behavioral Research - Center for Injury Research and Prevention at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia;

Dr. Nancy Kassam-Adams is Associate Director for Behavioral Research at the Center for Injury Research and Prevention at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Her research focuses on posttraumatic stress in children and parents after injury and other acute events, and on developing screening and secondary prevention protocols that can be integrated in pediatric health care settings. Dr. Kassam-Adams has served on the Board of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, and on the American Psychological Association’s Presidential Task Force on Child Trauma.

“Secondary prevention of child PTSD”

Pre-conference workshop: Half day
Date: 02.06.2011, 9.00-12.30 am
Room: HS 30

This workshop will provide an update on current work to develop and evaluate practical methods for screening and secondary prevention of child PTSD after acute trauma. We will present a model for secondary prevention, review current evidence regarding effectiveness of screening and prevention, describe the integration of secondary prevention into service settings such as pediatric health care, and examine specific screening tools and prevention approaches.



Rachel Yehuda
Rachel Yehuda, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Director Traumatic Stress Studies Division, Mount Sinai School of Medicine; Director Mental Health Patient Care Center, James J. Peters Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Bronx NY

Rachel Yehuda, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobiology is the Director of the Traumatic Stress Studies Division at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and the Mental Health Patient Care Center Director at the James J. Peters Veterans Affairs Medical Center. She received her PhD in Psychology and Neurochemistry from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and completed her postdoctoral training in Biological Psychiatry in the Psychiatry Department at Yale Medical School.
She has authored more than 300 published papers, chapters, and books in the field of traumatic stress and the neurobiology of PTSD and has received numerous federal grants.  Her current interests include the study of risk and resilience factors, psychological and biological predictors of treatment response in PTSD, genetic and epigenetic studies of PTSD and the intergenerational transmission of trauma and PTSD.  She has received many awards in recognition of her work including the Curt Richter Prize in Psychoneuroendocrinology, and the Laufer award from the International Society for Traumatic Stress and has received guest professorships from the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry (Munich, Germany) 2004 and Leiden University (Leiden, 2010) to recognize outstanding contributions in neuroscience and endocrinology, respectively.

“Clinical applications of trauma neurobiology”

Pre-conference workshop: Half day
Date: 02.06.2011, 9.00-12.30 am
Room: HS 23
Eligible for ESTSS-Certification

As advances are made in understanding the biology of PTSD, or more conservatively, in identifying biological correlates of this condition, it becomes important to consider whether and how to use the information clinically. This seminar will deal directly with the issue of whether we have diagnostic lab tests in PTSD or measures that help predict or track recovery.



Harold Kudler
Associate Clinical Professor, Duke University Medical Center, Associate Director, Mid-Atlantic Veterans Service Network Mental Illness, Research and Clinical Center, board member of ISTSS.

In 1995, Dr. Kudler initiated the Practice Guidelines process of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.  In 2002, he was selected to champion the joint United States Department of Veterans Affairs/Department of Defense Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Traumatic Stress.  He has since assisted in their respective revisions.  Dr. Kudler serves on the ISTSS Board of Directors.

“Developing and Applying Clinical Practice Guidelines and Public Health Principles in Service to Military Members, Veterans and their Families in the Aftermath of War”

Pre-conference workshop: Half day
Date: 02.06.2011, 9.00-12.30 am
Room: Marietta-Blau Saal
Eligible for ESTSS-Certification

Military members and their families face significant and varied stress throughout the deployment cycle.  When combat veterans return home, some of their problems (and those of their family members) are best understood as medical disorders (e.g. PTSD, Major Depression, Substance Abuse, Traumatic Brain Injury) while others might better be understood as functional problems in living (trouble with sleep, anger, distractibility, grief, etc.).  Veterans and their health professionals may profoundly disagree on how to best conceptualize and manage such problems.  Clinical practice guidelines for PTSD and other disorders offer significant advantages for patients and clinicians alike but not all post deployment problems can or should be “medicalized.”  This workshop will review the history, strength and limitations of clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of PTSD and define a public health model that can be mounted in national, state and community collaborations.  Taken together, these innovations have the potential to transform a nation’s deployment mental health system.



Josef Ruzek
Ph.D., Director of theDissemination and Training Division of the National Center for PTS, VA Palo Alto Health Care System (California, USA);

He is coeditor of two editions of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies for Trauma, and of an upcoming American Psychological Association book called "Caring for veterans with deployment-related stress-disorders: Iraq, Afghanistan and beyond".  He specializes in early intervention for trauma survivors and is an author of "Psychological First Aid" and "Skills for Psychological Recovery" (crisis counseling) manuals. He serves as co-chair of the Early Intervention special interest group of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, where he currently sits on the Board of Directors.

“Using Internet Interventions to Improve Care for Veterans and Military Personnel:  afterdeployment.org“

Pre-conference workshop: Half day
Date: 02.06.2011, 9.00-12.30 am
Room: HS 24

This workshop will review afterdeployment.org, an interactive web-based resource designed to assist Veterans and active duty military personnel in self-managing their post-deployment stress reactions. Workshop participants will become familiar with the afterdeployment site and explore ways of integrating web programming into their clinical practice.  The multi-session module that targets war-related memories will be reviewed in detail and the interventions included in the module will be described. 



Marylène Cloitre
Marylène Cloitre, PhD; The National Center for PTSD, Palo Alto Healthcare System; New York University Langone Medical Center, New York, USA

Marylène Cloitre is a research scientist at the Dissemination and Training Division of the National Center for PTSD in the Palo Alto Healthcare System in California, U.S.A. She is also a Professor of Psychiatry and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the New York University Langone Medical Center in New York City. She is currently president-elect of the International Society for Traumatic Stress. Her research and clinical interests have focused on trauma, maltreatment and loss over the life span and the development of interventions that address the effects of early life and multiple traumatization. 

“A Phase-based Approach to Treating Complex PTSD”

Pre-conference workshop: Half day
Date: 02.06.2011, 9.00-12.30 am
Room: HS 34
Eligible for ESTSS-Certification

Multiple and chronic exposure to trauma depletes personal and social resources required for healthy functioning in day-to-day life. Among those whose trauma go back to childhood years and include physical or sexual abuse, neglect and other forms of maltreatment, developmental injuries regarding social and emotional competencies may create further risk for PTSD and impaired functioning. This workshop will present a flexibly applied two module, sequential treatment in which the first module emphasizes present-focused skills training in affective an interpersonal regulation (STAIR) for day-to-day life difficulties and the second module incorporates past-focused work on the processing of the trauma, using a modified version of prolonged exposure, called Narrative Story Telling (NST). The treatment was specifically designed to treat high risk, multiply traumatized individuals with chronic PTSD and has been demonstrated to provide significant and clinically substantial relief from PTSD as well as improvement in emotion management and interpersonal functioning. Preliminary data on a third phase of treatment that focuses on integration into the community highlighting the importance of compassion for self and others will also be discussed.



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