

Ulrich Frommberger
German Track 
Adj. Professor Dr. med. Dipl.-Biol., Chief of Medicine for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics in Offenburg since 1999, habilitated at the University of Freiburg i.B., medical specialist for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy as well as medical specialist for Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy, lecturer and supervisor for behavioural therapy. 

He conducted studies on the PTSD of work and traffic accident casualties, carcinomia patients and psychatric patients, for early intervention and psychological consequences for emergency personnel after technical catastrophes as well as psychotherapeutical and psychopharmacological treatment of chronic PTSD. He published more than 120 articles (peer-reviewed jounals, book contributions, other journals) on PTSD, anxiety disorders and other severe psychological disorders. 

Currently he is working a) at the implementation of scientific findings on PTSD into the clinical routine in outpatient, partly and full-stationary treatment settings, b) at evaluating the effectiveness of psychotherapeutic and pharmacological treatment of PTSD with high comorbidities in the clinical routine and c) on severe psychological disorders. He is member of the ISTSS and ESTSS since 1994, foundation member of the DeGPT 1998, was the first president from 1998 - 2000 and a long-standing member in the board of the DeGPT. He was board director of the ESTSS, 2005 - 2007. Since 2006 he runs the Department for Psychotraumatology of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Nervenheilkunde, DGPPN.

Psychopharmacotherapy of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other trauma related disorders
State-of-the-Art Lecture

Date: Friday 03.06.2011, 11.15-12.30 am
Room: Senatssaal

Trauma adapted psychotherapy (KVT, EMDR) is the method of choice in the treatment of PTSD and other trauma related disorders. However, psychopharmaca have an important function in supporting the psychotherapy and also as an independent therapy for the reduction of symptoms on a neurbiological basis.

In the early intervention after a traumatic event different drugs have been studied, still none of them can safely be advised. For chronic PTSD SSRI (Paroxetin, Sertralin) are permitted. Also, in controlled studies other SSRI (Fluxetin) or SNRI (Venlafaxin) as well as NaSSA (Mirtazapin) have been shown to reduce the PTSD symptoms notably.
In most cases SSRI had additive effects with new antipsychotics (Risperidon, Olanzapin, Quetiapin) in controlled studies. There are positive single case reports for Aripiprazol and Ziprasidon. Mood stabilising substances were not convincing until now. Some single studies have been dealing with the differential effectiveness of psychotherapy vs. psycho pharmacotherapy as well as their combination. At the moment there are a couple of substances in testing, whose clinical effects can be awaited with curiosity. Beside many helpful pharmacological possibilities satisfying data for early intervention, treatment of comorbidieties and therapy resistence are missing. In this lecture an overview of the published data is given, clinical experiences are shared and an outlook for future developments is given. 



Hans-Peter Kapfhammer
German Track 
Department of Psychiatry, Medical University of Graz

1982 – 1987: Scientific Assistent at the Department of Psychiatry of LMU Munich (Chair: Prof. Dr. H. Hippius); 1985: MD; 1987 – 1988: Scientific Assistent at the Neurological Department of the Technical University of Munich (Chair: Prof. Dr. A. Struppler); 1989: Medical Specialist in Psychiatry and Neurology; 1989 – 2003: Consultant at the Consultation-Liaison Service of Universitätsklinikum Munich-Großhadern; 1991: Special Qualification in Psychotherapy /Psychoanalysis; 1993: Habilitation in  Psychiatry; 1994: Psychoanalytist (DGPT) at the Academy of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, Munich; 1994: Ph.D.(Clinical Psychology, Psychopathology, Philosophy); 1995: Leading Senior Registrar, Consultant at the Outpatient Clinic of the Psychiatriuc Department of LMU and the Consultation-Liaison Service of Universitätsklinikum Munich-Großhadern; Medical specialist in Psychotherapeutic Medicine; 2001: Professor in Psychiatry; Habilitation in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics; since 2003: Professor of Psychiatry and chair at the Psychiatric Department of the Medical University of Graz.

Main scientific interests: stress-related disorders, anxiety disorders, somatoform disorders; personality disorders, pregnancy and postpartum-related disorders, C-/L-psychiatry, psychopharmacology and psychotherapy

Michael Bach

Head of Department for Psychiatry, LKH Steyr (with associated Department for Psychosomatics in Enns) 

Dr. med. univ. (Universität Wien, 1986); specialist for psychiatry and neurology (ÖAK, 1993); specialist for psychiatry and psychotherapeutic medicine (ÖAK, 2008); psychotherapist (ÖGVT, 2000); pain specialist (ÖAK Diploma for Special Pain Therapy, 2006); Univ. Doz.for Psychiatry (University of Vienna, 1995); Ao. Univ. Prof. for Psychiatry (Universität Wien, 1996); research work in the Medical-Psychosomatic Klinik Bad Bramstedt, Germany (1993-1994); head of the Behavioural Medicine Pain Ambulance with consultation-liaison service and infirmary for behavioural medicine, University Hospital for Psychiatry Vienna (1995-2003); medical-therapeutical head of the Day Hospital for Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, Bad Sauerbrunn (2001-2002, research project); head of the Psychiatric Division Region 4, Landes-Nervenklinik Wagner-Jauregg Linz (2003-2004); vice chairman of pro mente Upper Austria (since 2006); past president of the Austrian pain society;

Thematic priorities: psychosomatic fundamental research, psychotherapy effecitiveness research, chronic pain, somatoform disorders, anxiety disorders

Marius Nickel
Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr. med.; Medical Director of the Clinic for Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy Bad Aussee at the Medical University Graz.

Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst; habilitation in the field of psychiatry at the 1. Universitätsklinik, PMU, Salzburg and habilitation in the field of psychosomatic medicine at the II. Clinic for Internal Medicine, focus on psychosomatics, University of Regensburg, Germany; several additional trainings with psychoanalysis, behavioural therapy, systemic integrative couple and family therapy; he is specialist for psychotherapeutic medicine and psychotherapy, Balint-group leader, trainer, supervisor etc; member of several societies: e.g. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychoanalyse, Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Tiefenpsychologie (DGPT), Österreichische Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie (ÖGPP), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychotherapeutische Medizin (DGPM), Deutsche Fachgesellschaft für Tiefenpsychologisch fundierte Psychotherapie (DFT), Österreichische Gesellschaft für Neuropsychopharmakologie und Biologische Psychiatrie (ÖGPB) as well as the Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft der Ärzte in der Steiermark. Since 2007: Vice-President of the Österreichische Balint-Gesellschaft (ÖGB). Since the 1.10.2006 he was transferred from rector to professor for psychosomatics and psychotherapy at the Medical University Graz, Austria.

Pharmacotherapy of acute and posttraumatic stress disorder

Date: Saturday 04.06.2011, 4.15-5.30 pm
Room: Senatssaal

Transition from trauma exposition to any serious posttraumatic psychological disorder is neither linear nor obligatory. Both acute (ASD) and posttraumatic stress disorders (PTSD) are considered as atypical posttraumatic reactions failing to follow a natural course of spontaneous recovery as can be observed in the majority of traumatized people. The treatment of ASD and PTSD is based on various psychotherapeutic and pharmacological approaches. The theoretical rationale of any pharmacotherapy refers to the manifold neurobiological alterations having been found meanwhile both for ASD and PTSD and to the high risk of  comorbidity associated with any chronic course of illness. From a pragmatic perspective of treatment three phases of pharmacological interventions may be subdivided: early posttraumatic crisis, transition period with a level of distressing and persistent posttraumatic symptoms as e. g. in cases of ASD, and finally states of diagnostically established PTSD.



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