
                12th European Conference on Traumatic Stress
                                       Vienna, 2-5 June 2011

                         Human Rights & Psychotraumatology


Thank you very much for joining the 12th ECOTS 2011 in Vienna!

The conference has been a full success with 850 delegates from all over the world!

Please find here the online published abstracts to the 12th ECOTS conference 2011. This “Book of Abstracts // ECOTS 2011” is a supplement of the European Journal of Psychotraumatology (Vol 2 2011, Supplement 1, 2011):

Corrected author index // Book of Abstracts – ECOTS 2011:
As many ECOTS participants discovered, the list was alphabetical by first name rather than last. As you may have already seen, a corrected author index was published on the journal website shortly after the meeting. You may download a copy of the list to print and insert in your abstract book by following this link:

Under the following link you will find a download for the whole conference program, including all presentations with timelines and locations, information about conference venue and address, timelines of onsite registration and more: [ECOTS Program]


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University of Vienna | Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1 | 1010 Vienna